Recipients of FCPA Grants

Recipients of Foundation of the CPA (FCPA) Project Grants

Between 2001 and 2014 the Foundation was pleased to support a number of psychiatrists in developing innovative, evidence-based best practices to better serve their patients and all Canadians.


Dr. Jonathon Lee
Evaluating Long-term Potentiation (LTP)-like Plasticity through Paired Associative Stimulation (PAS) in Adolescents: A Neurodevelopmental Study
Scotiabank Award for Children and Mental Health ($3000)


Dr. Clairélaine Ouellet-Plamondon
Outdoor Adventure Project for Youth Recovering From Psychosis
Scotiabank Grant for Research in Children’s Mental health ($3000)


Dr. Angelita Sanchez
A Pilot Study of Perceived Distress Levels and an Analysis of Risk Factors Among Northern Ontario Aboriginal Youths One Year After Exposure to Suicide
Scotiabank Grant for Research in Children’s Mental Health ($3000)


Dr. Corine E. Carlisle
Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Emergency Department Utilization
Scotiabank Grant for Research in Children’s Mental Health ($3000)


Dr. Gilles Fleury
Implementing a screening instrument for mental health and substance use problems (GAIN-SS-plus) in rural family practice”
Foundation of the CPA Mental Health Research Grant ($5000)

Dr. Stephanie Ameis
Tracking the Development of White Matter Connectivity in Healthy Children and in the Autism Spectrum Disorders using Diffusion Tensor Imaging Tractography
Scotiabank Award for Children and Mental Health 2010 FCPA Project Grant ($7,500)


Dr. Peter Braunberger, Dr. Leora Pinhas and Dr. Tegan Sacevich
Primary care screening for eating disorders in Aboriginal Adolescents ($5,000)

Dr.Mark Johnston, Dr.Belinda Seagram, Mr.Steven Gouthro, Ms.Rachael Goldie and Ms.Rosanna Wyatt
High Intensity Programming for Violent Youth at the Nova Scotia Youth Facility (Scotiabank) ($3,750)

Dr. Mitesh Patel, Dr.Trudy Adam andDr. Steven Mathias
Needs Assessment for Inner City Youth Presenting to the Emergency Room: Underlying Mental Illness and Substance Abuse (Scotiabank) ($3,750)


Great-West Life Innovation Fund of the FCPA Mental Health in the Workplace Initiative

Dr. Jaye Wald
Development and Evaluation of a Return-to-Work Program for Persons with Anxiety Disorders ($28,000)

Dr.Mark Lau and Dr.Andrea Grabovac
Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy for the Prevention of Depressive Relapse in the Workplace ($30,000)

Dr.Michael Seto, Dr.Phil Klassen and Dr.Maurice Siu
Identifying Factors with a Risk of Workplace Violence and Aggression by Employees ($28,000)

Dr.Sagar V. Parikh and Dr.Raymond Lam
Evaluation of a Disease-Management Intervention Designed to Reduce Disability ($4,800)

Dr.Alain D. Lesage, Dr.François Borgeat, Dr.Nida Sieu Christo Todorov, Dr.François-Yves Prévost and Dr.Ghislaine O. Roederer
Intervisions Cliniques: Implementation of an Innovative Strategy to Improve Collaboration Between Psychiatrists and Family Doctors ($5,000)

Dr.Joti Samra, Dr.Elliot Goldner, Dr.Derryck H. Smith
Antidepressant Skills@Work: Dissemination of a Behavioural Intervention for Low Mood and Depression in Psychiatric Care ($30,000)


Dr. Paul Mulzer
Seeking Bimaadiziiwin—“The Way of a Good Life“ ($10,000)

Dr. Chiachen Cheng and co-investigators Dr. Mark Hanson, Dr. Kelly Dore and Ms. Mirella Fata
Effective Training and Education for EPI Programs: a Pilot Project to Develop and Test Evidence-based Approaches to Training in Ontario. (Scotiabank) ($5,000)


Dr. Valérie Trottier-Hébert
Maternal perinatal care as an entry point for the identification of Inuit Children at high risk for mental health problems: Understanding barriers to perinatal access and care among Inuit women in Nunavut (Scotiabank) ($2,500)

Dr. Allison Crawford
The impact of antidepressant prescriptions on the adolescent suicide rate in Quebec ($10,000)


Dr. Theresa Bennett
Making the Race Fair ($6,100)

Dr. Ward Yuzda
The Application of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in the Primary Care Setting for Adolescents with Anxiety. ($5,000)


No award given.


Dr. Florence Chanut
Impact of a brief intervention in an alcohol misuse and DUI population. ($5,000)


Dr. Nasreen Roberts
Towards harmonizing psychiatry curriculum across Canada. ($5,000)


Dr. John Leverette
To help the National Education Strategy steering committee implement the recommendations arising from the search symposium on the future of psychiatric education. ($5,000)


Please Contact the FCPA for Direct Donations or to Discuss Legacy Giving.
Tel: (613) 234-2815 / 1-800-267-1555 ext. 249
Fax: (613) 234-9857
Registered Charities #889015590 RR 0001
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