These awards, dedicated to the memory of the Canadian Psychiatric Association’s founding President, Dr. Robert O. Jones, recognize the top three individual papers presented at the CPA’s Annual Conference.
Recipients – R.O. Jones Award for Best Paper
The paper must be presented at the Canadian Psychiatric Association’s Annual Conference.
Submission Procedure
All papers accepted for paper sessions are automatically for the R.O. Jones Awards.
The top three papers are chosen by consensus in a blind review by a panel of judges composed of the Annual Conference Program Committee.
These awards recognize the top three posters presented at the Canadian Psychiatric Association’s Annual Conference.
Recipients – Award for Best Poster
The poster must be presented at the Canadian Psychiatric Association’s Annual Conference during the poster session.
Submission Criteria
The poster is automatically considered once it is accepted for the Annual Conference.
The winners are chosen on site at the CPA Annual Conference by consensus of a panel of judges composed of the CPA’s Scientific Program Committee.