CPA Junior Investigator Research Colloquium


Application Submission Deadline: Mar. 1, 2025 by midnight PST

The Canadian Psychiatric Association is inviting applications to its annual day-long CPA Junior Investigator Research Colloquium at the Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre in Vancouver, to be held during the CPA Annual Conference from Oct. 22-25, 2025. The Colloquium aims to provide guidance, mentorship and encouragement to young investigators in the early phases of their training. Junior investigators will have an opportunity to obtain feedback about their past, present and future research from mentors who are tops in their field in a small group setting as well as participate in plenary sessions about career development and grantsmanship.

Candidates who have an interest and potential in developing research careers in psychiatry are encouraged to apply.

Who is eligible?

Psychiatry residents or fellows who have an interest and potential in developing research careers in psychiatry. Candidates should hold a medical degree. Applicants must also be current members of the CPA. Those with individual federal research awards are not eligible. Applicants must be citizens, or permanent residents of Canada, and training in Canada.

Application Process

The deadline to submit applications is Mar. 1, 2025 at midnight PST. Applicants are required to submit an online application form including:

  • A 500-word abstract by the nominee of a study in progress or completed. If accepted to attend the colloquium, this abstract should be used for the breakout group session. The abstract form is integrated into the online application form (link on the right).
  • A 300-word statement by the nominee describing how attendance at the colloquium will further his/her career goals. If accepted, participants will be asked to presentation his/her study to the breakout group.
  • A letter of recommendation from the nominee’s research mentor or other faculty member, describing the nominee’s potential as a researcher and his/her potential to benefit from the colloquium. (append to the online application form)
  • A curriculum vitae (appended to the online application form).
  • If I attended a JIRC in a previous year, can I reapply this year?
  • Acceptance is first allocated to qualifying participants who have not previously participated in the colloquium. However, researchers from previous years may reapply but priority and space allocation is provided to new participants first.

  • If I live in the same city as the colloquium, am I still eligible for the $495.00 travel bursary?
  • If you live more than 25 kilometres from the location of the colloquium, you are eligible for the travel bursary.

  • Are mentees able to leave the colloquium at various times during the day?
  • There is a general expectation for mentors and mentees to be present in person at the colloquium for the entire day. Please advise the CPA staff associate if you will be required to temporarily leave during the colloquium.


Colloquium Co-chairs
Dr. Margaret Hahn, University of Toronto
Dr. Baudouin Forgeot d’Arc, Université de Montréal

Travel Bursary

A $495 travel bursary, claimable upon attendance to the colloquium, will be provided to successful candidates, who live more than 25 kilometres from the location of the colloquium to partially defray travel expenses.

Best Group Presentation – Gift Card Prizes

Gift card prizes will be awarded to the junior investigator voted for the best presenter among their group.

JIRC 2023 - ParticipantsThank you to the mentors and sponsors of the 2023 Colloquium

2023 Mentors
  • Dr. Mahavir Agarwal (University of Toronto)
  • Dr. Katherine Aitchison (University of Alberta)
  • Dr. Eric Chan (University of Calgary)
  • Dr. Baudouin Forgeot d’Arc (Université de Montréal)
  • Dr. Nicole Kozloff (University of Toronto)
  • Dr. Paul Lespérance (Université de Montréal)

Dalhousie University, Department of Psychiatry
McGill University, Department of Psychiatry
McMaster University, Department of Psychiatry
Memorial University of Newfoundland, Department of Psychiatry
Queen’s University, Department of Psychiatry
University of Alberta, Department of Psychiatry
University of British Columbia, Department of Psychiatry
University of Calgary, Department of Psychiatry
University of Manitoba, Department of Psychiatry
University of Ottawa, Department of Psychiatry
University of Saskatchewan, Department of Psychiatry
University of Toronto, Department of Psychiatry
Western University, Department of Psychiatry
Northern Ontario School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry
Université Laval, Department of Psychiatry
Université de Montréal, Department of Psychiatry
Université de Sherbrooke, Department of Psychiatry

For more information on participating in or sponsoring the Colloquium, contact Rob Cornforth at 1-613-234-2815 (237) or by e-mail at

Please contact Rob Cornforth at
(613) 234-2815 ext. 237 or