Requirements for PDF Attachments
File attachments created by the applicant may be prepared with the word processing software package of their choice, but they must be uploaded in PDF format. Under no circumstances will hand-written applications be accepted.
Documents must be in one of the official languages (English or French), and must be typed and formatted following the instructions for formatting attachments listed below.
The reason for these formatting requirements is to ensure that all applicants have exactly the same amount of space to write their proposals.
• Use a font size of 12 point, black type. Do not use condensed/narrow font sizes, type density, or line spacing. Smaller text in tables, charts, figures, and graphs is acceptable, as long as it is legible when the page is viewed at 100%.
• Use a minimum of single line spacing.
• Insert a margin of 2 cm (3/4 inch) – minimum – around the page.
• Observe page limitations, additional pages may NOT be added unless specified.
• Use only letter size (21.25 X 27.5 cm / 8.5″ X 11″) white paper/background for all attachments.
• Photo-reduce the supporting documents if the originals are larger than 21.25 X 27.5 cm / 8.5″ X 11″.
• Attachments must be uploaded in PDF format (unprotected).
Please note that failure to comply with these requirements can negatively impact the status and evaluation of your application.