CPA Fellowship Program
The CPA has created two categories of Fellowship to recognize the variety of talents, achievements and selfless volunteerism among CPA members.
The designation of Fellow of the CPA honours psychiatrists for demonstrated allegiance to their profession and commitment to the ongoing work of their association. It rewards members who have made significant contributions in concentrated areas of achievement, enhancing the excellence of their specialty. Candidates may apply directly for the FCPA designation and must excel in three of the eight designated areas of achievement.
The annual deadline for applications, complete with full supporting documentation, is Feb. 1.
The designation of Distinguished Fellow of the CPA is an honour that rewards outstanding CPA members for the exceptional breadth and depth of their contributions to the excellence of their specialty. DFCPA candidates must be nominated by an Active CPA member in good standing and must excel in five of the eight designated areas of achievement. Only Fellows of the CPA may be nominated for the DFCPA designation.
The annual deadline for nominations, complete with full supporting documentation, is Feb. 1.