Distinguished Fellow of the Canadian Psychiatric Association

The designation of Distinguished Fellow of the Canadian Psychiatric Association (DFCPA) is an honour that rewards outstanding CPA members for excellence in their specialty.


Only Fellows of the CPA who are Active Members in good standing are eligible for nomination as Distinguished Fellow of the CPA. Nominees must have made exemplary contributions in five or more of the following areas:

  • Served in CPA governance as a member of a committee, council, or section
  • Held office or demonstrated activity in territorial, provincial, national, or international medical or psychiatric associations
  • Held office or demonstrated activity in another organization concerned with advancing mental health.
  • Performed non-remunerative community or humanitarian work locally, nationally, or internationally
  • Made significant clinical contributions to psychiatry
  • Made a contribution to administrative psychiatry by holding office or performing committee work
  • Demonstrated involvement in teaching in any setting
  • Documented scholarly or research activity

At a minimum, Distinguished Fellow applicants must achieve a score of 4/5 in at least five categories or at least 3/5 in every category.

Nomination Procedure

Nominators must be Active Members of the CPA in good standing.

Nominations must include:

  • A letter from the nominator.
  • Three additional reference letters, two from Active CPA members in good standing.
  • The nominee’s curriculum vitae.
  • A nomination form, completed by the nominator, highlighting the nominee’s accomplishments in the criteria listed above.

Apply Online
Endorsement Form


The Membership Affairs Committee will submit its recommendations for fellowship status to the CPA Board of Directors for confirmation.

Submission Deadline

The nomination form and all supporting documents must be submitted no later than midnight, February 1 of each year.

Successful candidates will be honoured at the CPA Annual Conference. The designation DFCPA may be used by Distinguished Fellows for as long as they are Active Members in good standing of the CPA.
