Virtual Conference – FAQ


The highly anticipated CPA Virtual Conference is just around the corner. The conference promises to be an outstanding opportunity to connect with leading psychiatrists, residents in psychiatry training programs and family physicians with an interest in mental health.

The conference is a key opportunity to develop knowledge and gain competencies that are vital to modern psychiatric practice. Online conference sessions will feature the latest discoveries in clinical practice and research. Participants will learn about health policy initiatives and be empowered to create lasting positive changes in Canadians’ mental health.

This year’s virtual conference promises interactive engagement with the best minds in psychiatry from across the county. Attendees will explore new perspectives in psychiatry, reconnect with colleagues and learn from the passion of others in the field. We welcome and invite your participation.

Thank you to those who have registered in advance. We look forward to seeing you!

ChimeLive Virtual Conference Platform
The virtual platform, ChimeLive, is now live and available for conference registrants to explore. You must be registered to access the platform.

ChimeLive Login:
Click the link above. Login with the email address you used for your conference registration. Your unique password is your CPA Member ID, or the confirmed 6 digit number sent to you by Chime.

Will recordings of the conference or individual sessions be available?
Conference sessions will be recorded and the recordings/videos will be made accessible to conference delegates only. Recorded sessions will become available within 48 hours following the live event and will be accessible for a period of two weeks following the virtual conference.

Who can access the recordings?
Only conference delegates – those who are registered for the conference – will have access to the recordings. Delegates who have registered for only one conference day, will only be able to access recordings for that specific day.

I am registered for the conference, how do I access the recordings?
Recorded sessions will become available within 48 hours following the live event. Links to recordings will appear in the agenda/listing for each session. Look for “Agenda” in the menu of the virtual conference platform. Delegates who have registered for only one conference day, will only be able to access recordings for that specific day. Recorded sessions are only accessible for a period of two weeks following the virtual conference.

I registered for the conference but was not able to attend the live event, can I still claim Section 1 credits if I watch the recordings?
No. Only delegates who attend the live sessions are eligible to claim Section 1 credits. Viewing the recording of a session does not meet the criteria for group learning activities under Section 1 of the Royal College’s MOC program. Time spent viewing a recording could fit under Section 2.

For information on how this activity fits in the Royal College Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Program, please visit the Royal College’s website ( For more personalized support, please contact the Royal College Services Centre (1-800-461-9598) or your local CPD Educator.

What happens to my abstract submission?
The conference planning committee will confirm in June which abstracts will be offered once it has explored all options and worked out the details. This will be the first-ever virtual CPA Annual Conference and it is important that we deliver an outstanding product for all involved.

How much will registration cost?
Pricing will be based on the number of sessions offered. As always, CPA members will pay a discounted rate.

When will CPA release the program schedule?
The conference committee plans to release further details in July.

Will the virtual conference be accredited?
The program committee will apply for accreditation. Further details to follow.

Will there be a conference app?
There will be a conference app to help you build your schedule, read about invited speakers, and network with other attendees.

When is the next face-to-face Annual Conference?
The 71st Annual Conference will be held Oct. 14 – 16, 2021 at the Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre.

What will happen with my committee meeting that normally takes place during the Annual Conference?
CPA committees will meet at another predetermined time, either by Zoom or teleconference.

When will the date for the Annual General Meeting (AGM) be announced?
The AGM (CPA’s business meeting) will be held virtually this fall. Details will be shared with eligible CPA members once the date is confirmed.

Where do I find more information?
Check this page each week, look for updates in PsychEXPRESS and follow us on Twitter at @CPA_APC.
You can also email Heather Cleat, Director, Annual Conference & Meetings.