W35 – Treating and Evaluating Health Care Providers: Safety-Sensitive Situations
Le samedi 21 octobre
15:45 – 16:45 (1 hr)
Salle de réunion : Finback (3rd floor – B Tower)
Jon Novick*, MDCM FRCPC; Bruce Ballon, MD ESP(C) FRCPC FCPA
Rôles CanMEDS :
- Collaborateur
- Promoteur de la santé
- Professionnel
À la conclusion de cette activité, les participants seront en mesure de : 1) Describe key concepts when assessing, treating, and/or monitoring patients in safety-sensitive occupations, including health care providers; 2) Practice as an effective member of the interprofessional team (that may include a professional’s health program, the workplace, and other treaters); and 3) Value the importance of challenging stigma and barriers to successful engagement, recovery, and stability of health care professionals.
Psychiatrists caring for health care workers (such as physicians and nurses) play a pivotal role in their assessment, treatment, recovery, management, and reintegration to training or work. There are many rewarding and joyful aspects to caring for patients in your own profession, including the implicit shared knowledge, the opportunity to challenge stigma and reduce barriers, and being a part of your peer’s career transformation. In addition to these opportunities, treating fellow safety-sensitive workers also introduces unique challenges and opportunities for psychiatrists. When caring for a health care professional with a mental health condition or substance use disorder, you may wonder: What if I am criticized or compared to colleagues? Will I have to consider permissive or mandated reporting duties? What does it mean to the therapeutic alliance if my health care provider patient is undergoing monitoring and requests my involvement with their case managers? The medical directors for both the physician and nurses health programs in Ontario will guide attendees through an interactive exploration of these important questions. Following a brief overview of the main themes in treating, assessing, and monitoring health care professionals, the presenters will lead an interactive discussion that draws on typical cases from the presenters’ and attendees’ experiences. Participating in this workshop will provide attendees with a forum to critically reflect on and learn about the essential role psychiatrists play as members of the interprofessional team supporting safety- sensitive workers through each stage of their recovery.
Références :
- McLellan AT, Skipper GS, Campbell M, et al. Five-year outcomes in a cohort study of physicians treated for substance use disorders in the United States. BMJ 2008;337:a2038.
- Merlo LJ, Campbell MD, Shea C, et al. Essential components of physician health program monitoring for substance use disorder: a survey of participants 5 years post successful program completion. Am J Addict 2022;31(2):115–122.