Foundation of the CPA

The Foundation of the Canadian Psychiatric Association was established to encourage and support psychiatrists in their pursuit of research and development of innovative, evidence-based best practices to better serve their patients and all Canadians. Over the last 15 years it has provided close to $750,000 in grants funding. Much of this funding was the result of partnerships with Great-West Life and Scotiabank, and the members of the CPA.

Past Recipients of FCPA Grants

Strategic Priorities

The FCPA has identified four strategic priorities that are eligible for funding.

  1. Quality of Care
    The development of leading-edge, clinically-relevant information to enhance the practice of psychiatry in treating mental illness. This could also include the development of Clinical Practice Guidelines, Position Papers, Consensus Statements, etc. This is also consistent with the objectives of the Annual Conference and the CPA Institute.
  2. Public Education
    The development of information (e.g., pamphlets, documents, posters, education campaigns) related to the importance of mental health and the treatment of mental illness that would be available to the public. This could also include workshops, symposia and public speaking opportunities where material has been peer-reviewed.
  3. Lifelong Learning
    The development and application of self-assessment tools and lecture series’ that enhance the competencies and practice of members.
  4. Innovative Practices in Psychiatry
    The identification and sharing of innovative ways in which psychiatric services are organized, managed, funded and delivered to Canadians; highlighting the professions’ contributions to the performance of the health system.

The areas that have been identified seek to find a balance between those issues that cut across the profession regardless of where you are in your professional life cycle (or where you practice), and focus on those strategic issues where the CPA can occupy a niche and uniquely provide value for membership.

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees of the Foundation oversees the collection and disbursement of funds.

• Dr. Alison Freeland, Board Chair
• Dr. Gary Chaimowitz, Secretary-Treasurer
• Dr. Hygiea Casiano
• Dr. Vincenzo Di Nicola
• Dr. Kathryn Fitch
• Dr. Taryn Hearn
• Dr. Georgina Zahirney

If you would like to contact a trustee in your area, please email

FCPA Audited Financial Statements 2024


If you wish to donate directly or discuss legacy giving please contact the foundation.
Tel: (613) 234-2815 / 1-800-267-1555 ext. 249
Fax: (613) 234-9857
Registered Charities #889015590 RR 0001
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