Toronto Star Op-ed by Dr. Wei-Yi Song, CPA President
The Ontario government has proposed to limit funding for psychotherapy to 24 hours per patient per year as a means of improving access to mental health services.
While some research suggests that certain physicians may be treating patients who are sometimes characterized as ... Read More
CPA in the News
Letter to the Editor, The Medical Post in response to article, "The Incredible Shrinking Profession. Psychiatry: A profession in decline?"
I am writing to express my disappointment with the cover story of October 21, 2014 for The Medical Post entitled: The Incredible Shrinking Profession / Psychiatry: A profession in decline?.
As you ... Read More
November 19, 2014Rob Cornforth
Letter to the Editor, The Globe and Mail
Your editorial "The Vince Li Problem" (February 12, 2013) did little to dispel the misinformation about those found “not criminally responsible,” review boards and the process to ensure public safety. It’s important to understand that people with mental illness constitute a very small ... Read More
February 13, 2013Rob Cornforth
The Hill Times
by Dr. J. Paul Fedoroff
The federal government has championed Bill C-54, now reinstated as Bill C-14 in the Senate, as legislation that enhances victims’ rights. So why are the victims and agencies devoted to helping them not cheering? The answer? Bill C-14 only deals with the Not Criminally ... Read More
December 2, 2013Rob Cornforth
Canada's Innovation Leaders, a RE$EARCH Infosource Inc. Publication
by Michael Teehan, President, Canadian Psychiatric Association
November 8, 2013Rob Cornforth
Opinion article by Dr. Michael Teehan, CPA President
The Hill Times
The federal government needs to take the next step by showing leadership working in collaboration with provinces and territories across Canada to develop national standards for our mental health system.
October 13, 2013Rob Cornforth
Media Contact
Rob Cornforth
Tel: 1-800-267-1555 ext. 237
Tel: (613) 234-2815 ext. 237