Governance Structure
In addition to the Board of Directors and Executive Committee, the CPA has a governance structure to support the mission and strategic focus of the organization. In particular, the Board has created a number of Committees, Councils and Working Groups that report directly to the Board.
A 14-month governance review was completed in December 2015 with the objective of ensuring the governance structure of the CPA is sound and positioned for success. The report, Built for the Future…Blueprint for the Future, contains 41 recommendations designed to ensure the CPA is a member-focused, member-responsive and member-driven organization.
Information on members, mandates and activities for each CCWG is available on the members only website.
*Members Only

Councils are created by the Board to assist in meeting its current strategic priorities, and provide assistance and advice on issues pertinent to their area of expertise. They do not make decisions, but rather provide recommendations to the Board for review and approval. The Board reviews terms of reference at least every five years.
Council of AcademiesThe Council of Academies is a forum for the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Canadian Academy of Geriatric Psychiatry, Canadian Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, and Canadian Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine to provide expert advice and leadership to the CPA on matters related to the psychiatry subspecialties.
Council of Psychiatric AssociationsThe Council of Psychiatric Associations is not a formal body of either the CPA’s or provincial psychiatric associations’ (PPAs) respective governance structures, and as such, does not have the power to pass motions directing activity within the CPA or PPAs. Representatives are expected to report back to their respective Boards (or equivalent) about meeting discussions.
Committees are created by the Board to assist in meeting its current strategic priorities, and provide assistance and advice on issues pertinent to their area of expertise. They do not make decisions, but rather provide recommendations to the Board for review and approval. The Board reviews terms of reference at least every five years.
Continuing Professional DevelopmentThe Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Committee provides expert advice and leadership to the CPA on matters related to continuing education for psychiatrists, trainees and other mental health care providers. Through the Annual Conference, CPD Institute and International CPD Conference subcommittees, the CPD Committee promotes and develops regional, national and international CPD programming.
EconomicsThe Economics Committee provides expert advice and leadership on matters relating to the economics of psychiatry.
EducationThe Education Committee provides leadership and advice regarding educational issues for the training of undergraduates, postgraduates and psychiatrists in specialty practice.
Membership Affairs CommitteeThe Membership Affairs Committee provides guidance on recruitment, retention and recognition of members. The Members-in-Training Subcommittee and the Early Career Psychiatrist Working Group report to the Membership Affairs Committee.
Professional Standards and PracticeThe Professional Standards and Practice Committee provides expert advice and leadership on matters and activities related to professional standards and practice. The committee develops papers, guidelines, dsiscussion papers and statements relating to professional standards and practice, and reviews and revises these on a periodic basis. The Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) Subcommittee and Choosing Wisely Working Group report to this committee.
Public PolicyThe Public Policy Committee provides expert advice and leadership to the CPA on matters of mental health public policy.
ResearchThe Research Committee is an expert advisory resource and think-tank on scientific and research issues in psychiatry and mental health. The Practice Research Network is a subcommittee of this committee.
- Annual Conference
The Annual Conference Subcommittee provides expert advice and leadership to the CPA on matters related to the scientific program held during the Annual Conference. It reports to the Continuing Professional Development Committee.
Clinical Practice GuidelinesThe Clinical Practice Guidelines Subcommittee provides expert advice and leadership on matters and activities related to CPA clinical practice guidelines (CPGs). It reports to the Professional Standards and Practice Committee.
CPD InstituteThe CPD Institute Subcommittee leads the development, implementation and evaluation of CPA CPD Institute programming. It reports to the Continuing Professional Development Committee.
International CPD ConferenceThe International CPD Conference Subcommittee leads the development, implementation and evaluation of the International CPD (ICPD) Conference program. It reports to the Continuing Professional Development Committee.
Member-in-TrainingThe Member-in-Training Subcommittee provides leadership and advice on matters of interest to psychiatry residents and trainees. The subcommittee also undertakes the responsibility of encouraging the participation of all residents in the CPA. It reports to the Membership Affairs Committee.
Practice Research NetworkThe Practice Research Network (PRN) serves as a polling, survey and evaluation resource for the CPA. It is operated by the CPA to ensure that the policies and activities advanced by the Board, management and committees are informed by the needs and opinions of members. It reports to the Research Committee.
Working Groups and Task Forces deal with time-limited, issue-specific strategic issues and their terms of reference are reviewed annually.
Collaborative Working Group on Shared Mental Health CareThe Collaborative Working Group on Shared Mental Health Care promotes the development and implementation of collaborative mental health care delivery models. It reports to the Board of Directors.
Choosing Wisely Working GroupThe Choosing Wisely Working Group leads the process for development as well as ongoing review and updating of psychiatry recommendations for the Choosing Wisely Canada campaign on behalf of the CPA. It reports to the Professional Standards and Practice Committee.
Early Career Psychiatrist Working GroupThe Early Career Psychiatrist Working Group provides expert advice and leadership to the CPA on matters of interest to early career psychiatrists. It reports to the Membership Affairs Committee.
Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) Task ForceThe Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) Task Force assists the CPA in developing policy and influencing legislation regarding MAID, and develops guidance for Canadian psychiatrists on how to use and apply any MAID framework. It reports to the Board of Directors.
CPA currently has 20 active sections. With consent and approval of the Board, members may organize a section for the purpose of: (1) reading papers, evaluating and promoting discussion on scientific or technical matters of particular interest in their special field of medicine; and (2) voicing considered expressions of opinion for the benefit of the CPA on all matters which concern the section, at the invitation and with the approval of the Board.
Addiction Psychiatry
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Community Psychiatry
Developmental Disabilities
Disaster Psychiatry
ECT & Neurostimulation
Forensic PsychiatryGlobal Mental Health
History and Philosophy of Psychiatry
Indo-Canadian Psychiatry
Members in Training and Fellows
Military & Veterans
Native Mental Health
Psychosomatic Medicine
Quality, Innovation and Safety
Telepsychiatry, Media and Informatics
Transcultural Psychiatry