W01 – Disability Determination and Insurance
Thursday, Oct. 19
10:45 – 11:45 (1 hr)
Meeting Room: Junior Ballroom AB (3rd floor – North Tower)
Carmen Bellows*, MA, BA; Carmen Bellow, MA; Sam Mikail, PhD; Valerie Legendre, MA
CanMEDS Roles:
- Health Advocate
- Professional
- Leader
At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1) Understand various definitions of disability used by insurance providers; 2) Understand the value of evidence-based care when working with insurance; and 3) Understand how to make return-to-work recommendations for people with mental disorders.
The concept of “disability” is notoriously difficult to define. No universal definition of the concept exists. Yet, within health care, clinicians regularly face requests by their patients to complete forms in support of their disability claims. The workshop will review several definitions of disability and their implication for clinical assessment and intervention. Emphasis will be placed on disability due to mental disorders because these conditions can be particularly challenging due to the subjective nature of the association symptoms and relative absence of biological markers typically used in disability determination of physical conditions. Topics to be covered include the concept of measurement-based care and working with third-party carriers, the importance of setting clear treatment objectives aligned with functional impairments related to work functions, the phases of treatment, and determining necessary accommodations.
- Mapou R. Have we loosened the definition of disability? The effects of changes in the law and its interpretation on clinical practice. Psychol Inj Law 2022;15:307–318.
- Hong RH, Murphy JK, Michalak EE, et al. Implementing measurement-based care for depression: practical solutions for psychiatrists and primary care physicians. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat 2021;17:79–90.