Requirements for CPA Codeveloped Programs
Requirements for CPA Codeveloped Programs
Project proposals should be submitted to the CPA office before the start of planning. If approved, a CPA member in good standing will be appointed to chair the planning committee, represent the CPA and submit the application.
CPA-approved CPD programs must meet the criteria for approval of Section 1 events and:
- Include a CPA-designated representative on the planning committee.
- Offer a balanced presentation of the prevailing body of scientific information and lack bias. Presentations should include alternative treatment options as well as psychotherapeutic and rehabilitation perspectives.
- Disclose any “unapproved” or “off-label” uses of medications or devices.
- Include complete and up-to-date disclosure information for all faculty members by way of inclusion of a slide in the program presentation, a verbal acknowledgement and inclusion of the same information in any printed syllabus.
- Include full budgetary disclosure. Funding arrangements must be in keeping with the Canadian Medical Association’s guidelines, Guidelines for Physicians in Interactions With Industry, and at a minimum, all faculty expenses must be transferred to and disbursed by the CPA (subject to the honorarium maximum as determined by the CPA).
Once the program has been developed, it is then submitted for CPA review. Submissions must include:
- A completed application form for section 1 of MOC that has been signed by the planning committee chair.
- The needs assessment summary.
- Documentation on program development (including minutes, reports and copies of the correspondence between planning committee members).
- A draft program brochure that features the agenda and specific periods dedicated to audience interaction, learning objectives describing what the participants will be able to do differently after attending the activity and the planning committee members’ names and credentials.
- A program evaluation form that meets Royal College criteria (see Part 4, Criterion 4 of the application form)
- Completed and signed disclosure statements (featured on the first page of each presenter’s material).
- The actual presentation material (including, but not limited to, copies of slides, overheads and/or hand-outs for each presenter).
Presentation materials will be blind peer-reviewed by content area experts, who will provide specific feedback to faculty as to any changes that need to be made to the program. Once the content is finalized, a physician assessor will review the entire program.
Approved programs are advertised and printed with the Royal College accreditation statement.
Should the physician assessor not approve the program, it may be resubmitted following recommended modifications.
Following delivery of the program, the nonphysician organization will process the evaluation forms and provide a summary and copy of the completed forms to the CPA. The CPA will issue certificates of attendance to participants.
How to Apply
Contact the CPA office before planning begins with a written project proposal. Be sure to allow at least 12 weeks for completion of the process.