The CPA invites members to indicate their interest in joining a task force that will:
Provide education and resources on psychiatry’s history regarding structural racism.
Using an intersectional lens, explain the current impact of structural racism on the mental health of patients and of colleagues.
Propose specific actions the CPA ... Read More
Starting Jan. 1, 2022, the CJP will move to an online only format for members. Your access to the latest peer-reviewed scientific articles will not change. The journal will continue to provide a forum for psychiatry professionals to share their findings with clinicians and researchers from around the world. Content ... Read More
October 14, 2021Rob Cornforth
The Canadian Psychiatric Association (CPA) is a member of HEAL, Organizations for Health Action, and officially supports HEAL’s Position Statement on COVID-19 Vaccination of Healthcare Workers.
As psychiatrists, we recognize that many of the patients we care for are at heightened risk of COVID-19 infection due to poverty, homelessness, or living ... Read More
October 7, 2021Rob Cornforth
Please note: The following statement deals with topics that may be triggering.
The Canadian Psychiatric Association (CPA) is deeply disturbed by the recoveries in recent months of Indigenous children from unmarked graves at residential institutions across Canada. This, along with the horrific death of Joyce Echaquan, serve as reminders of both historical ... Read More
September 30, 2021Rob Cornforth
The MOC credit reporting deadline is coming up: will you have the required 25 hours in each of the three sections of the program by the end of your five-year cycle?
Register for the CPA annual conference from Oct. 14 – 16 and earn up to 16.5 section 1 credits and ... Read More
September 24, 2021Rob Cornforth
Psychiatrists’ clinical expertise and input are vital to establish appropriate safeguards, evidence-based guidance and protocols for medical assistance in dying (MAiD) on the sole basis of a mental disorder, says a new Canadian Psychiatric Association (CPA) discussion paper released today.
People whose sole underlying medical condition is a mental disorder (MD-SUMC) are temporarily ... Read More
August 16, 2021Rob Cornforth